My Little Tribble

Remember Star Trek with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy? There was an episode called The Trouble With Tribbles (1967) that I thought was quite amusing as a kid.


from Wikipedia

I don’t remember how old I was when I first saw the Tribbles episode. I do know that when I was in Junior High School and taking a sewing class I made my own little Tribble!

My little Tribble eventually became a cat toy. BobCat plays with it these days and bunny kicks the shit out of it. I really don’t know why I’ve hung onto it all these years!

My little Tribble doesn’t look anything like it used to. It used to have a nose, ears, and a tail, but now it just looks like a furry, round ball with eyes and a mouth! It’s rather funny and I won’t ever get rid of it because I’m attached to it now.


My Poor Little Tribble

Stage Fright

When I was in elementary school, the school decided to have a fashion show. I don’t know whose bright idea it was but it doesn’t make sense. Why would an elementary school have a fashion show? Beats me. Maybe it wasn’t a fashion show. Maybe my memories aren’t as clear as they used to be.

Anyway, my mom was a fantastic seamstress. No, nothing professional but she made some of the clothes my sisters and I wore. So, she made my sisters and me matching dresses and we were entered in the fashion show!

I was scared shitless being only 10 or 11 years old but I was the lead in this model trio and it was my job to make sure my sisters (ages 6 and 2 approximately) did what they were supposed to do on stage. Ugh. My middle sister did pretty well but the littlest wanted to run around like a banshee. I was petrified! I had to hold her hand and keep her under control while we turned and showed our lovely dresses. We were taught to curtsy when we finished, but I don’t remember my sisters doing it. I was too focused on keeping the littlest sister from running right off the edge of the stage!

At the end of our “performance,” the crowd cheered and at that very moment I was in awe of my mother and her mad sewing skills! My mother actually won that fashion show competition!

I know now or think I know, that it wasn’t so much the dresses that won. That was part of it of course, but it was really the whole package. Not just one dress but three dresses. Not just one model but three models. Unique. Plus watching a little rugrat running around on stage and me trying to keep her from killing herself surely added to the entertainment value!

I have what I thought was a photo of us in those dresses, but the dresses don’t match. Maybe mom didn’t make matching dresses after all. As I said, my memories may not be as clear as they used to be. But here’s that faded photo anyway!


What Major Events Do you Remember?

Let’s see… I was born in 1962. You do the math but please don’t tell anyone how old I am. Snort! Just kidding. I don’t care.

I remember a lot of events, some vaguely and some very vividly. I had to look up the year of each thing I recalled because that’s my brain for ya. Anyway, here goes:

1968 – Robert F. Kennedy assassination

1969 – The first moonwalk! Some people still don’t believe this happened!

1969 – The Manson murders

1973 – Watergate, no understanding whatsoever at the time!

1978 – Jonestown, where Jim Jones led the mass suicide of hundreds of people

1979 – Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident

1980 – Mount St. Helens erupts

1981 – Sandra Day O’Connor becomes the first female justice on the Supreme Court

1981 – The attempt on Ronald Reagan’s life

1984 – The AIDS virus finally identified

1985 – The Titanic wreckage was discovered

1986 – The Challenger explodes just after lift-off

1989 – Oil tanker Exxon Valdez accident

1989 – Earthquake in San Francisco

1991 – Soviet Union breaks up

1998 – Bill Clinton impeached

1999 – Columbine High School shooting

1999 – Prep for Y2K, people were freaking out!

2000 – The end of Napster

2001 – Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, 9-11

Everything after this point is a blur. Haha.

2009 – Obama elected the first black US President

2017 – Trump elected, nothing will ever be the same!

2019 – Covid-19 Pandemic begins

So, there ya go! What events do you remember? I could remember more if I sat here for a few hours but I just don’t have that kind of time this morning.

Have a super day, friends!


Campfire Memories

Back when my kids were young, we used to pack up hot dogs and marshmallows and go down to our pond to build a big fire and make some memories. We talked and laughed. Dad would tell my kids some stories about when he was a kid; some of the same stories he told me as I was growing up. It’s always funny to hear about the shenanigans of your parents’ and grandparents’ youth, don’t you think?

This particular summer, I had my sister’s kids for a visit. It was after dark. We were roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, telling stories…you know, typical campfire stuff minus the singing. My niece, who was probably only 6 or 7 at the time, had to go to the bathroom and she wouldn’t go in the woods, not even if I went with her. I don’t blame her. It was scary out there in the dark! So, I walked her back to the house so she could go potty.

We didn’t even make it back to the pond. The boys were now back at the house. I don’t remember where my dad was; seems like he was back at the house. My oldest nephew, JC, had to….poop. It came on him all of a sudden. He didn’t have the sense God gave a goose back then and he dropped his pants right next to the campfire!!! I mean, right next to it! He was so close to the fire, I’m surprised he didn’t burn his butt.

The kid made such a nasty mess! He stunk to high hell and had poop all over him and his clothes. We kept asking him, why the heck didn’t you at least move out into the weeds a bit instead of going right next to the fire where we were sitting and eating? He said, “I didn’t have time!”

I have many campfire memories; including those of when I was a youngster backpacking with Dad. So, maybe I’ll have to write a series of Campfire Memories. In the meantime, here’s a post you may have missed: That Tangled Line

A Random Memory

Back when I was in high school, I must’ve been a Junior or Senior at the time, I had a most hilarious experience! I was walking in front of the student parking lot and a girl I knew from Elementary school was walking beside me. I could see that she was stoned out of her gourd but had no idea how stoned until this happened.

I won’t mention any names for obvious reasons but she and I were talking, about nothing in particular really. It was probably the same ol’ same ol’ of the average high school student. School sucks, I hate homework, that asshole boy, yadda yadda… She pulls a pack of cigarettes out of her sweater pocket, pulls out her lighter, and proceeds to try to light a cigarette. I was watching her because I was amused at the fumbling of this stoned-as-hell girl, but looking where I was going at the same time. I looked over at her just as she walked smack-dab into a telephone pole! She bounced right off that pole! I laughed so hard I thought I was going to die from laughter! My eyes watered and my belly hurt from laughing so hard. Even funnier was the fact that her cigarette was bent – not broken – and she was still trying to get it lit.

I feel bad now because I should have stopped her to check her damn face! I’m sure she must’ve had a mark from hitting that damn pole! She must’ve had a headache or a concussion, who knows.

Shame on me for laughing…but you have to admit, you’d probably laugh too!