Elvis Is Dead


Ok, so… I don’t have a pet mouse named Elvis but a mouse died yesterday, and not in a trap, unless you count Jack’s tummy. I found mouse remains on the laundry room floor. I don’t think he tasted good because Jack threw it up and wasn’t feeling well afterward. I was worried for a few hours because he just wasn’t himself. Later in the day, he perked up and went mouse hunting again.


Yes, we have mice. We also have craneflies, roly-polies, centipedes, millipedes, termites, beetles, wasps, spiders, and so much more. That’s really fun in the warmer months. You should see BobCat chasing a beetle! Anyway, since we live out in the middle of nowhere we have to deal with the annoyance of all kinds of things. One year we had a family of skunks living under the house. Something spooked them, and my house smelled like skunk for weeks afterward!


Jack felt well enough to continue with his mouse shenanigans and caught another… It was just a baby! Then Alice caught one. She ate the head off and left the rest. Thanks Alice. I think there must’ve been a new nest of meeces (intentional, an attempt of humor) living somewhere in a mouse-sized crawlspace. Things have calmed down now so I think my furbabies have killed them all.

Rest in Pieces, Little Meeces.

The Noise Under The House

I was binge-watching “Detectorists” the other night, minding my own business. I heard the critters under the house, moving furniture again. That’s what we call it, anyway. It sounds like I have downstairs neighbors moving furniture around at the most ungodly morning hours. It drives me bonkers!

So, the critters were at it again. Only this time, it was extremely loud and then grew even LOUDER! They kept on for at least 20 minutes. They were so loud that my cats were freaked out and ran out of the room. I was banging on the floor as loudly as I could, hoping to spook the critters away, or at least shut them up. That didn’t seem to bother them.

The noise was coming from one specific area of the room. I stood on the floor at that spot and stomped my feet repeatedly, hoping to scare them off. They weren’t threatened at all. What really freaked me out was not the noise they were making. It was the fact that as I stood there, I could FEEL the movement and it was so intense that I swear, if I put a glass of water on the floor it would have made waves in the glass!

That’s the worst the critter activity has been and I still wonder WHAT critter(s) are living under our house? Are they raccoons, opossum, skunks, or something else? And what the literal hell are they doing under there?