A Simple Caturday

Just a simple Caturday here in SW Missouri. The sun was out and Honey and Alice were soaking up some warmth. Alice is feeling much better, thank goodness. Kitty is feeling much better too but declined to come out for our little photo shoot this morning.



“What the heck are ya lookin’ at, maw?”



“I feel that wind blowing through my fur… Wait. No. I forgot maw shaved a lot of my fur off my backside cuz I was a matted mess.”



Smokie loves being out in the catio. I think she was “looking” for me. I asked her if she knew where she was, and Dad in all his silliness says, “She’s in the jungle baby!” If you don’t get the song reference then you need more rock music in your life!



Jack, well Jack is out and about. He gets to go outside the catio during the day. He was half wild and used to being outside when I adopted him. As I write this, I realize it’s almost dark out so I’d better get him inside.

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